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Oberon Document | 1994-06-07 | 19.8 KB | 524 lines | [oODC/obnF] |
- Documents.StdDocumentDesc
- Documents.DocumentDesc
- Containers.ViewDesc
- Views.ViewDesc
- Stores.StoreDesc
- Documents.ModelDesc
- Containers.ModelDesc
- Models.ModelDesc
- Stores.ElemDesc
- TextViews.StdViewDesc
- TextViews.ViewDesc
- TextModels.StdModelDesc
- TextModels.ModelDesc
- TextModels.AttributesDesc
- Geneva
- Geneva
- Quick Reference
- Operation = POINTER TO OperationDesc;
- OperationDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (op: Operation) Do
- END;
- END Domains.
- CONST shared = TRUE;
- Name = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
- Type = ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
- Locator = POINTER TO LocatorDesc;
- LocatorDesc = RECORD
- res: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (l: Locator) This (path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator
- END;
- File = POINTER TO FileDesc;
- FileDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (f: File) Length (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (f: File) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader;
- PROCEDURE (f: File) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer;
- PROCEDURE (f: File) Register (name: Name; type: Type; VAR res: LONGINT)
- END;
- Reader = POINTER TO ReaderDesc;
- ReaderDesc = RECORD
- eof: BOOLEAN;
- PROCEDURE (r: Reader) Base (): File;
- PROCEDURE (r: Reader) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (r: Reader) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadByte (VAR x: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF CHAR; beg, len: LONGINT)
- END;
- Writer = POINTER TO WriterDesc;
- WriterDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (w: Writer) Base (): File;
- PROCEDURE (w: Writer) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (w: Writer) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (w: Writer) WriteByte (x: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (w: Writer) WriteBytes (VAR x: ARRAY OF CHAR; beg, len: LONGINT)
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) This (path: ARRAY OF CHAR): Locator;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Temp (): File;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (loc: Locator): File;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Old (loc: Locator; name: Name; shared: BOOLEAN): File;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Delete (loc: Locator; name: Name);
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Rename (loc: Locator; old, new: Name)
- END;
- VAR dir-: Directory;
- END Files.
- mm = 36000; point = LONG(12700);
- italic = 0; underline = 1; strikeout = 2;
- normal = 400; bold = 700;
- Typeface = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
- Font = POINTER TO FontDesc;
- FontDesc = RECORD
- asc, dsc: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (f: Font) StringWidth (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) This (typeface: Typeface; size: LONGINT;
- style: SET; weight: INTEGER): Font;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) Default (): Font
- END;
- VAR dir-: Directory;
- END Fonts.
- IMPORT Files;
- CONST alienComponent = 2;
- Store = POINTER TO StoreDesc;
- StoreDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (s: Store) Clone (): Store;
- PROCEDURE (s: Store) Internalize (VAR rd: Reader);
- PROCEDURE (s: Store) Externalize (VAR wr: Writer)
- END;
- Elem = POINTER TO ElemDesc;
- ElemDesc = RECORD (StoreDesc) END;
- Reader = RECORD
- cancelled-: BOOLEAN;
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ConnectTo (f: Files.File);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadBool (VAR x: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadChar (VAR x: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSInt (VAR x: SHORTINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadInt (VAR x: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLInt (VAR x: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadReal (VAR x: REAL);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadLReal (VAR x: LONGREAL);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadSet (VAR x: SET);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadString (VAR x: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadStore (VAR x: Store);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) ReadVersion (min, max: SHORTINT; VAR version: SHORTINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR rd: Reader) TurnIntoAlien (cause: LONGINT)
- END;
- Writer = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) ConnectTo (f: Files.File);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteBool (x: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteChar (x: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSInt (x: SHORTINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteInt (x: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLInt (x: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteReal (x: REAL);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteLReal (x: LONGREAL);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteSet (x: SET);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteString (x: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteStore (x: Store);
- PROCEDURE (VAR wr: Writer) WriteVersion (version: SHORTINT)
- END;
- PROCEDURE Clone (s: Store): Store;
- END Stores.
- IMPORT Fonts;
- black = 00000000H; white = 00FFFFFFH;
- grey6 = 00F0F0F0H; grey12 = 00E0E0E0H; grey25 = 00C0C0C0H;
- grey50 = 00808080H; grey75 = 00404040H;
- red = 000000FFH; green = 0000FF00H; blue = 00FF0000H;
- defaultColor = 01000000H;
- mm = 36000; point = LONG(12700); inch = 914400;
- fill = -1;
- openPoly = 0; closedPoly = 1; openBezier = 2; closedBezier = 3;
- hilite = 1; dim25 = 2; dim50 = 3; dim75 = 4;
- hide = FALSE; show = TRUE;
- arrowCursor = 0; textCursor = 1; graphicsCursor = 2; tableCursor = 3; bitmapCursor = 4;
- keepBuffer = FALSE; disposeBuffer = TRUE;
- Color = LONGINT;
- Point = RECORD
- x, y: LONGINT
- END;
- Frame = POINTER TO FrameDesc;
- FrameDesc = RECORD
- unit-, dot-: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawRect (l, t, r, b, s: LONGINT; col: Color);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawOval (l, t, r, b, s: LONGINT; col: Color);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, s: LONGINT; col: Color);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawPath (VAR p: ARRAY OF Point; n, s: LONGINT; col: Color;
- path: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) MarkRect (l, t, r, b, s: LONGINT; mode: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Input (VAR x, y: LONGINT; VAR isDown: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DrawString (x, y: LONGINT; col: Color; s: ARRAY OF CHAR;
- font: Fonts.Font);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) SaveRect (l, t, r, b: LONGINT; VAR res: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (f: Frame) RestoreRect (l, t, r, b: LONGINT; disposeBuffer: BOOLEAN)
- END;
- END Ports.
- IMPORT Domains, Stores;
- Model = POINTER TO ModelDesc;
- ModelDesc = RECORD (Stores.ElemDesc)
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) Clone (): Model
- END;
- Context = POINTER TO ContextDesc;
- ContextDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model;
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (VAR w, h: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) SetSize (w, h: LONGINT)
- END;
- Message = RECORD (Domains.Message) END;
- NeutralizeMsg = RECORD (Message) END;
- UpdateMsg = RECORD (Message) END;
- PROCEDURE Broadcast (model: Model; VAR msg: Message);
- PROCEDURE BeginModification (m: Model);
- PROCEDURE EndModification (m: Model);
- PROCEDURE BeginScript (m: Model; name: Domains.OpName; VAR script: Domains.Operation);
- PROCEDURE EndScript (m: Model; script: Domains.Operation);
- PROCEDURE Do (m: Model; name: Domains.OpName; op: Domains.Operation);
- END Models.
- IMPORT Domains, Files, Fonts, Stores, Ports, Models;
- undefined = 0; infinite = 29000 * Ports.mm;
- transparent = 0FF000000H;
- deep = FALSE; shallow = TRUE;
- keepFrames = FALSE; rebuildFrames = TRUE;
- View = POINTER TO ViewDesc;
- ViewDesc = RECORD (Stores.StoreDesc)
- context-: Models.Context;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) Clone (): View;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFrom (source: View);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyModelFrom (source: View; shallow: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) Background (): Ports.Color;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) RestoreMarks (f: Frame; l, t, r, b: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: Message);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Frame; VAR msg: CtrlMessage; VAR focus: View)
- END;
- Message = RECORD (Domains.Message) END;
- CtrlMessage = RECORD END;
- Frame = POINTER TO FrameDesc;
- FrameDesc = RECORD (Ports.FrameDesc)
- l-, t-, r-, b-: LONGINT
- END;
- Title = ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- PROCEDURE Broadcast (v: View; VAR msg: Message);
- PROCEDURE BeginModification (v: View);
- PROCEDURE EndModification (v: View);
- PROCEDURE BeginScript (v: View; name: Domains.OpName; VAR script: Domains.Operation);
- PROCEDURE EndScript (v: View; script: Domains.Operation);
- PROCEDURE Do (v: View; name: Domains.OpName; op: Domains.Operation);
- PROCEDURE Update (v: View; rebuild: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE UpdateIn (v: View; l, t, r, b: LONGINT; rebuild: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE OldView (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name): View;
- PROCEDURE RegisterView (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name);
- PROCEDURE Open (view: View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name);
- PROCEDURE OpenAux (view: View; title: Title);
- PROCEDURE Deposit (view: View);
- END Views.
- DEFINITION Controllers;
- IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Views;
- now = 0;
- cut = 0; copy = 1; pasteChar = 2; paste = 4;
- doubleClick = 0; extend = 1; modifiy = 2;
- Controller = POINTER TO ControllerDesc;
- ControllerDesc = RECORD (Stores.StoreDesc)
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Clone (): Controller;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyFrom (source: Controller);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView (v: Views.View);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView (): Views.View;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Message;
- focus: Views.View)
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Controller
- END;
- Action = POINTER TO ActionDesc;
- ActionDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do
- END;
- Message = Views.CtrlMessage;
- PollOpsMsg = RECORD (Message)
- type: Stores.TypeName;
- pasteFrom: Views.View;
- selectable, deselectable: BOOLEAN;
- valid: SET
- END;
- TickMsg = RECORD (Message)
- tick: LONGINT
- END;
- MarkMsg = RECORD (Message)
- show: BOOLEAN
- END;
- SelectMsg = RECORD (Message)
- set: BOOLEAN
- END;
- RequestMessage = RECORD (Message)
- requestFocus: BOOLEAN
- END;
- EditMsg = RECORD (RequestMessage)
- op: INTEGER;
- modifiers: SET;
- char: CHAR
- END;
- CursorMessage = RECORD (RequestMessage)
- x, y: LONGINT
- END;
- PollCursorMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage)
- cursor: INTEGER
- END;
- TrackMsg = RECORD (CursorMessage)
- modifiers: SET
- END;
- VAR resolution-: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE FocusFrame (): Views.Frame;
- PROCEDURE FocusView (): Views.View;
- PROCEDURE FocusModel (): Models.Model;
- PROCEDURE DoLater (a: Action; notBefore: LONGINT);
- END Controllers.
- IMPORT Files, Ports;
- String = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
- Interactor = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (VAR i: Interactor) Notify;
- PROCEDURE (VAR i: Interactor) CheckGuards
- END;
- PROCEDURE MapParamString (in, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR out: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE ShowParamMsg (str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE ShowParamStatus (str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE ShowStatus (str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE GetOK (str, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE GetIntSpec (type: Files.Type; VAR stationary: BOOLEAN;
- VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name);
- PROCEDURE GetExtSpec (default: Files.Name; type: Files.Type; stationary: BOOLEAN;
- VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name);
- PROCEDURE GetColor (in: Ports.Color; VAR out: Ports.Color; VAR set: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE Call (proc, errorMsg: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE Disable;
- END Dialog.
- DEFINITION TextModels;
- IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Dialog, Containers;
- viewcode = 2X; tab = 9X; line = 0DX; para = 0EX;
- nbspace = 0A0X; digitspace = 8FX; hyphen = 90X; nbhyphen = 91X; softhyphen = 0ADX;
- Model = POINTER TO ModelDesc;
- ModelDesc = RECORD (Containers.ModelDesc)
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) Clone (): Model;
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) Length (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader;
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer;
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (pos: LONGINT; m0: Model; beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyAllFrom (source: Containers.Model);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) MoveFrom (pos: LONGINT; m0: Model; beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) Append (m0: Model);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) Delete (beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) SetAttr (beg, end: LONGINT; attr: Attributes);
- PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View)
- END;
- Attributes = POINTER TO AttributesDesc;
- AttributesDesc = RECORD (Stores.StoreDesc)
- color-: Ports.Color;
- font-: Fonts.Font;
- offset-: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Clone (): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) CopyFrom (source: Attributes);
- PROCEDURE (a: Attributes) Equals (b: Attributes): BOOLEAN
- END;
- Context = POINTER TO ContextDesc;
- ContextDesc = RECORD (Models.ContextDesc)
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) Attr (): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE (c: Context) Pos (): LONGINT
- END;
- Reader = POINTER TO ReaderDesc;
- ReaderDesc = RECORD
- eot: BOOLEAN;
- type: SET;
- attr: Attributes;
- char: CHAR;
- view: Views.View;
- w, h: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Base (): Model;
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Read;
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadChar (VAR ch: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadView (VAR v: Views.View);
- PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadPrevView (VAR v: Views.View)
- END;
- Writer = POINTER TO WriterDesc;
- WriterDesc = RECORD
- attr-: Attributes;
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Base (): Model;
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) SetAttr (attr: Attributes);
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteChar (ch: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteView (view: Views.View; w, h: LONGINT)
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Model
- END;
- VAR dir-: Directory;
- PROCEDURE NewColor (a: Attributes; color: Ports.Color): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewTypeface (a: Attributes; typeface: Fonts.Typeface): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewSize (a: Attributes; size: LONGINT): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewStyle (a: Attributes; style: SET): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewWeight (a: Attributes; weight: INTEGER): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewOffset (a: Attributes; offset: LONGINT): Attributes;
- PROCEDURE NewFont (a: Attributes; font: Fonts.Font): Attributes;
- END TextModels.
- DEFINITION TextMappers;
- IMPORT Views, TextModels;
- char = 0; string = 2; int = 4; real = 5; bool = 6; set = 7; view = 8; tab = 9; line = 10; para = 11;
- eot = 30; invalid = 31;
- String = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
- Scanner = RECORD
- type: INTEGER;
- start, lines, paras: LONGINT;
- char: CHAR;
- int: LONGINT;
- real: LONGREAL;
- bool: BOOLEAN;
- set: SET;
- len: INTEGER;
- string: String;
- view: Views.View; w, h: LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) ConnectTo (text: TextModels.Model);
- PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR s: Scanner) Scan
- END;
- Formatter = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) ConnectTo (text: TextModels.Model);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) Pos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) SetPos (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteChar (x: CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteInt (x: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteReal (x: LONGREAL);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteString (x: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteBool (x: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteSet (x: SET);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteTab;
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteLn;
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WritePara;
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteView (v: Views.View);
- PROCEDURE (VAR f: Formatter) WriteViewForm (v: Views.View; w, h: LONGINT)
- END;
- END TextMappers.
- IMPORT Models, Views, Containers, TextModels, TextSetters;
- show = FALSE; hide = TRUE;
- any = FALSE; focusOnly = TRUE;
- View = POINTER TO ViewDesc;
- ViewDesc = RECORD (Containers.ViewDesc)
- PROCEDURE (v: View) Clone (): View;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): TextModels.Model;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) DisplayMarks (hide: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) HidesMarks (): BOOLEAN;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) SetOrigin (org, dy: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) PollOrigin (VAR org, dy: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) GetThisLocation (f: Views.Frame; pos: LONGINT; VAR loc: Location);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) GetRange (f: Views.Frame; VAR beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisPos (f: Views.Frame; x, y: LONGINT): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowRangeIn (f: Views.Frame; beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowRange (beg, end: LONGINT; focusOnly: BOOLEAN)
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (text: TextModels.Model): View;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) StdNew () : View
- END;
- Location = RECORD
- start, pos: LONGINT;
- x, y: LONGINT;
- asc, dsc: LONGINT;
- view: Views.View;
- l, t, r, b: LONGINT
- END;
- VAR dir-: Directory;
- PROCEDURE Focus (): View;
- PROCEDURE FocusText (): TextModels.Model;
- PROCEDURE ShowRange (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: LONGINT; focusOnly: BOOLEAN);
- PROCEDURE ThisRuler (v: View; pos: LONGINT): TextRulers.Ruler;
- END TextViews.
- DEFINITION TextControllers;
- IMPORT Models, Views, Containers, TextModels, TextViews;
- noAutoScroll = 16; noAutoIndent = 17;
- none = -1;
- Controller = POINTER TO ControllerDesc;
- ControllerDesc = RECORD (Containers.ControllerDesc)
- view-: TextViews.View;
- text-: TextModels.Model;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Clone (): Controller;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CaretPos (): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetCaret (pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelection (VAR beg, end: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSelection (beg, end: LONGINT)
- END;
- Directory = POINTER TO DirectoryDesc;
- DirectoryDesc = RECORD (Containers.DirectoryDesc)
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller;
- PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Controller
- END;
- VAR dir-: Directory;
- PROCEDURE Focus (): Controller;
- PROCEDURE SetCaret (text: TextModels.Model; pos: LONGINT);
- PROCEDURE SetSelection (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: LONGINT);
- END TextControllers.
- TextControllers.StdCtrlDesc
- TextControllers.ControllerDesc
- Containers.ControllerDesc
- Controllers.ControllerDesc
- TextRulers.StdRulerDesc
- TextRulers.RulerDesc
- TextRulers.StdStyleDesc
- TextRulers.StyleDesc
- TextRulers.AttributesDesc
- Geneva
- Documents.ControllerDesc